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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 30, Issue 4, pp. 699-936

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Inverse Conductivity Problem with One Measurement: Error Estimates and Approximate Identification for Perturbed Disks

Eugene Fabes, Hyeonbae Kang, and Jin Keun Seo

pp. 699-720

Lower Bounds for Generalized Ginzburg--Landau Functionals

Robert L. Jerrard

pp. 721-746

Structural Stability for the Euler Method

Ming-Chia Li

pp. 747-755

The Crystalline Version of The Modified Stefan Problem in the Plane and Its Properties

Piotr Rybka

pp. 756-786

Asymptotics of Solutions to the Modified Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation: Solitons on a Nonvanishing Continuous Background

A. V. Kitaev and A. H. Vartanian

pp. 787-832

Existence and Behavior of Solutions To The Landau--Lifshitz Equation

Jian Zhai

pp. 833-847

Generalization of the Schwarz Reflection Principle in Scattering Theory for Dissipative Systems: Application to Purely Imaginary Resonant Frequencies

Christophe Labreuche

pp. 848-878

Nonuniqueness for Second-Order Elliptic Equations with Measurable Coefficients

Mikhail V. Safonov

pp. 879-895

A Denseness Theorem with an Application to a Two-Dimensional Inverse Potential Refraction Problem

Bernd Hofmann

pp. 896-911

A Stefan Problem for a Protocell Model

Avner Friedman and Bei Hu

pp. 912-926

An Analytical Proof of the Linear Stability of the Viscous Shock Profile of the Burgers Equation with Fourth-Order Viscosity

Shlomo Engelberg

pp. 927-936